Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! Thank you for visiting and checking out my writing. I am Jennk, a middle school English teacher and an aspiring writer. This is my official blog where I will be exhibiting my creative, reflective and academic writing and thoughts on life. I find comfort in digging into the haunting crevices of the human mind and soul. It is my hope that my posts can nurture your souls and help you rethink the small moments in your life.

Thank you for stopping by Haunting Comforts, where I share teaching, faith, and life through stories, reflections, and analyses. Subscribe & follow me on Instagram for more updates!

anxiety beauty burnout cars christian classroom classroom management covid dreams education faith family fear friendship games God heart isfj life love makeup marriage masks mental health mother daughter podcast poem poems poetry prose reflection reflections relationships sacrifice self-care slice of life sliceoflife SOL22 stress students teacher teaching time wedding writing

7 thoughts on “Welcome to my blog!

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  1. Hey hey! Am glad to be here, and am looking forward to everything you have to share! Am already loving all the content you have here, so I guess I’ll have to go scroll around for a bit now.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I discovered your blog because you have commented on a post I had before a while back. I’ve learned a lot from your posts about how to build a blog, definitely a lot of work ;😂

  2. I’m particularly interested in your experience as a Christian teaching in public school–I imagine that’s challenging, with all the hoopla about “prayer in school”, etc. God bless you in all you do–teaching, in my opinion, is probably the most honorable profession…assuming teachers have a passionate heart for it, and their students.

      1. A calling is a blessing, and there are challenges (or burdens, as some say)💖

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